John Hopkins University
JHU School of Public Health Student Assembly & Student Groups
North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205
JHU School of Nursing Student Groups
525 North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205
JHU School of Medicine Student Groups
733 North Broadway Suite 137
Baltimore, MD 21205
SOURCE - Student Outreach Resource Center Johns Hopkins University
615 N.Wolfe Street, 1st Floor, Suite # W1600
Baltimore, MD 21205
Johns Hopkins University Peabody Institute
1 East Mount Vernon Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
The Johns Hopkins University does not endorse any of the companies and owners listed above or any other company, products or services by virtue of making this service accessible to the JHU community. Please contact the Housing Office if you have any additional questions, 410-955-3905 or jhmihousingoffice@jhmi.edu.