At Hopkins View Apartments, we strictly follow the CDC recommendations. With the new events of COVD-19, there has been a definite impact on student housing. As the fall semester approaches, students and their parents are worried about the safety of their place of residence. There are questions about social distancing, contacts, common bathrooms, and the ability to quarantine if need be. We would like to help you with points to look for before you make your final decision. Below you will find the most recent CDC recommendations regarding these concerns.
Hopkins View Apartments rank as very high, which is the highest preference level on the CDC guideline chart. We have purpose-built student apartments that represent the most desirable product with in-unit bathrooms, living rooms, and full kitchens. This permits occupants to easily control and sanitize their overall environment. Unit configuration allows for the ability to isolate as much as they choose since they do not have to leave their units to eat, use the bathroom, guidelines, or find living space. Hopkins View Apartments require no additional operational resources to maintain.
One bedroom with one bath room minimizes contact
Living room and full kitchen in each unit permits occupants to easily sanitize their overall environment
Personal control of environment sanitation
Unit configuration allows for ability to isolate as much as they choose since they do not have to leave the unit to eat, to use bath rooms and enjoy their living space
Unit occupant's ability to isolate/quarantine in unit
Follow social distancing CDC guidelines
Apartments require no additional operational resources to maintain
Student comfort and preference is our top priority during the pandemic
Our representatives will be available to discuss these points during the Housing Fair meeting between 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM on August 20, 2020 via Zoom. If you are interested, please feel free to join the meeting.
Meeting ID: 774 6509 9852
Passcode: 8sY7Rn
Regarding Hopkins View homes; we have strictly followed the guidelines and have met or exceeded the guidelines, so also our new construction which will be available by the end of fall this year