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Caroline Garage (B3) | 1501 E. Monument St. | Staff Permit Parking and overflow for JH Outpatient Center Patients/Visitors.
McElderry Garage (B5) | 1501 McElderry St. | Designated Patient/Visitor Garage for the JH Outpatient Center.
Orleans Garage (H8) | 1795 Orleans St. | Designated Patient/Visitor Garage for the main Hospital complex.

Ashland Garage (F2) | 900 N. Washington St. | 929 Student Housing Parking and Staff Permit Parking. Free shuttle service is provided.
Kennedy Krieger Garage (C3) | 1712 E. Madison St. | Staff Permit Parking and KKI patients only.
Rutland Garage (D4) | 711 Rutland Ave. | Staff Permit Parking and Patient/Visitor parking.
Washington Garage (G4) | 701 N. Washington St. | Staff Permit Parking and Patient/Visitor parking.
Additional Parking:
Fallsway Satellite Lot | 545 N. High St. | West of campus (near I-83)
Church Garage | 1600 E. Baltimore St. | South edge of campus
Monument St. Satellite Lot | 3700 E. Monument St. | 1.3 miles east of campus
Shuttle Services
Real‐Time Shuttle Tracking:
Employee/Student Shuttles
Hours of Operation: M-F: 5:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Shuttle Stops:
McElderry St. & N. Wolfe St.
N. Wolfe St. & Lamley St.
E. Baltimore St. & N. Washington St.
E. Baltimore St. & N. Chester St.
N. Patterson Park Ave. & E. Baltimore St.
N. Patterson Park Ave. & E. Fayette St.
McElderry St. & N. Madeira St.
Hours of Operation: M-F: 5:00 a.m. - 9:45 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Shuttle Stops:
Rutland Ave. & E. Monument St.
Washington Garage (701 N. Washington St.)
Henderson‐Hopkins (Ashland @ Collington)
E. Chase St. & N. Patterson Park Ave.
E. Chase St. & N. Washington St.
N. Broadway & E. Eager St.
E. Eager St. & N. Bond St.
N. Caroline St. & Ashland Ave.
Caroline Garage (Monument St. Side)
E. Monument St. @ N. Broadway (by Hampton House)
Hours of Operation: M-F: 6:00 p.m. - 12:45 a.m.
Shuttle Stops:
N. Lakewood Ave.
N. Central Ave.
E. Biddle St.
Eastern Ave.
Mt. Vernon Area
Church-Ashland Shuttle
Hours of Operation: M-F: 5:00 a.m. - 9:40 p.m.
Shuttle Stops:
Church Home Bldg. (N. Broadway @ E. Fairmount Ave. by Security Booth)
Church Garage (1600 E. BalƟmore St.)
Weinberg Bldg. (N. Broadway at Jefferson St.)
Dome (Billings/Admin Bldg.)
E. Monument St. (across from Pharmacy)
Ashland Garage (Ashland Ave. in front of garage)
N. Wolfe St. (in front of JHH opposite SON)
Fallsway Shuttle
Hours of Operation: M-F: 5:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Shuttle Stops:
E. Monument St. at Broadway (southwest corner)
N. Wolfe St. (in front of JHH opposite SON)
Monument Shuttle
Hours of Operation: M-F: 5:30 a.m. - 9:50 p.m.
Shuttle Stops:
Monument St. Lot
Rutland Ave. at Monument St.
Bayview Shuttle
Hours of Operation: M-F: 6:30 a.m. - 6:40 p.m.
Shuttle Stops:
N. Wolfe St. (In front of JHH opposite SON)
Pavilion Bldg. (JHBMC)
Asthma & Allergy Center (JHBMC)
Mason Lord Bldg.-Center Tower (JHBMC)
Mt. Washington Shuttle
Hours of Operation: M-F: 6:15 a.m. - 7:10 p.m.
Shuttle Stops:
Rutland Ave. (at E. Monument St. by Rutland Guard Shack )
Mt. Washington (Davis Bldg. Circle)
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (1708 W. Rogers Ave.)
Bond Street Shuttle
Hours of Operation: M-F: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Shuttle Stops:
Jefferson St. (at the 550 Bldg.)
Caroline & Thames
901 S. Bond St
Johns Hopkins University does not endorse any of the companies and owners listed above or any other company, products, or services by virtue of making this service accessible to the JHU community. Please contact the Housing Office if you have any additional questions, 410-955-3905 or